Sponsorship & Advertising.
To enable the Belper Steam and Vintage Event to raise money for local and national charitable organisations, and to attract even more visitors and enthusiasts to the local and surrounding areas, we are looking for local businesses and individuals to help.
There are are number of opportunities available to businesses to raise their profile and to gain exposure to people from every part of the country. Please see below
Programme Advertising.
Our souvenir A5 Programme is given to all Rally exhibitors and sold to the general public over the weekend.
Costs for advertisement in the souvenir programme are as follows:
Full Page Advertisement @ £75.00 (Size = 130mm x 180mm)
Half Page Advertisement @ £40.00 (Size = 130mm x 90mm)
Quarter Page Advertisement @ £25.00 (Size = 60mm x 90mm)

General Sponsoriship
Cost for General Sponsorship is £150.00 minimum
Entitles you to a free full page colour advert in the souvenir programme, along with a free copy of the programme and 4 complimentary passes. It also entitles you to advertise at the ringside with a banner (client must supply own banner), plus a link to your company’s website on the Belper Steam & Vintage Event website.
Main Event Sponsoriship
Main Event Sponsorship is £500.00 minimum
Entitles you to a free double page article, advertising your business, in the souvenir programme along with a free copy of the programme and 10 complimentary passes. Ringside banner around the arena (client must supply own banner), regular Facebook posts advertising your business and what your business is sponsoring at the event. Also included will be an article on the Belper Steam & Vintage Event website advertising your business with a link to your company website. During the event there will be regular public address announcements promoting your business and what you have sponsored.
If you are interested in advertising in the programme or sponsoring the event in any way, please download our advertising and sponsorship form and post back to the address on the form.
Any enquiries about sponsorship or advertising should be directed to bsvs.secretary@googlemail.com