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It is with deep regret that after 30 years the Belper Steam & Vintage Society have decided that the rally has run its course and have taken the decision for the event to come to its natural end.
Over the 30 years that the event has been running, there have been many good times and the committee have always been proud of this family orientated show and have brought something new each year to keep it fresh: Titan the Robot, Dancing Does, Wall of Death, Camel Racing, Fashion Shows, Sky Symphony Kite display, CADFARCH (Welsh War Horse), Vikings, Cowboys and Medieval Knights to name but a few of the unique attractions that the show has seen. We were also one of the first steam rallies in Derbyshire to have a fly past by the BBMF.
To put on a show of this size takes a years’ preparation, and the committee and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the show runs smoothly, however, with the bad weather becoming more prominent in the month of June, rising costs and rally site uncertainty, the committee have decided to call it a day.
The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all our visitors, exhibitors, supporters, sponsors, advertisers and helpers both past and present. A special thank you goes to all the exhibitors who have stuck with us over the years despite the bad weather and ground conditions.
Many many thanks
Belper Steam & Vintage Event Committee

A Brief History
The Belper Steam & Vintage Event was first established in 1989 as part of the Belper Festival fortnight. Since it's beginning, the event has grown and is now firmly established as one of the largest in the county. The event is held annually in June and has exhibits and attractions for the whole family. Whilst the enthusiasts will be engrossed in the vintage vehicles there will be plenty of charity, trade, craft and auto jumble stalls to keep spouses happy, including arena events, olde tyme fair and street entertainers to keep children occupied.
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